VivaTech 2024 was a blast, and .lumen + EIC was there!
We were very happy to be invited by the European Innovation Council to showcase at VivaTech in Paris. VivaTech is one of the largest technology conferences in the world, attracting a record number of 110,000 visitors from all over the globe this year.
For us, it was the largest event we have ever attended in Europe. Here are some of our highlights at VivaTech 2024:
Showcasing Our Technology
Almost 100 people tested the .lumen Glasses, ranging from 7-year-olds to seasoned C-level executives from global companies. We are always happy to show our technology and see people smiling when they test it. We even conducted some experimental release testing across the show space, which worked well and revealed potential improvements.

Networking and Collaborations
We met countless people who want to help, including potential distributors, investors, and individuals passionate about contributing to our mission. It was exciting to connect with so many new faces eager to support our cause.

Reconnecting with Partners
We reconnected with some of our partners, such as Dassault Systèmes. It was impossible to visit France without meeting our friends from Dassault. As part of their 3D Experience Lab, we received more support than we can count, and we are where we are today because of great people and companies like them.
Live TV Appearance
We were live on TV! It was great to discuss the .lumen Glasses on live television. We had an engaging conversation with Dheepthi Namasivayam about our technology and how assistive tech can change lives. The next day, people came to our stand saying they saw us on the news. Isn’t that great!

Check out the interviews below:
VIP Visits

We were honored by a visit from the EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, who was interested in our technology and its potential impact. Additionally, we had the pleasure of meeting the Romanian Ambassador to France, Ioana Bivolaru, who showed great support for our work.

Partnership with the EIC
We did it all with the EIC. What a journey it has been, from being the first Romanian start-up accelerated by the EIC to traveling across Europe and the world to showcase our progress together.
Thank you, Paris, and thank you, VivaTech!