Geneva welcomed .lumen at the UN’s and ITU’s AI for Good Global Summit.
During the Summit, we had a booth, gave a speech, and had countless opportunities to test with both sighted and visually impaired visitors. Here are some of the highlights:
Testing with Visitors
We were proud to see our technology tested by about 100 people, creating countless smiles. With sighted people, we blindfold them to offer the real experience – no cheating allowed! For almost all of them, it’s the first time they walk without seeing. Despite this, it's amazing how within minutes they can navigate the busy corridors of the summit.

Ambassador Tour
.lumen was part of the Ambassador tour, where tens of VIPs visited us. We asked for a volunteer to test the Glasses, and within less than two minutes, the volunteer was navigating the show space, avoiding the large crowd formed around him.

Presentation to the Press
We were invited to present to the press, along with several other AI for Good companies. A memorable moment was when a member of the press asked, “Well, do they work?” We asked for a random volunteer, gave him the .lumen Glasses, and began a one-minute tutorial. Without a blindfold available, a member of the press kindly offered her scarf to blindfold the volunteer. By the second minute, the individual was confidently walking along the press without seeing. The room exploded in applause.

Blind Individuals Testing
There is nothing like the moment we see a blind individual smiling while testing our technology. We will let the video below speak for itself:
Thank you UN, thank you ITU! Thank you Geneva, thank you Switzerland!